About Us

The Arizona Public Health Training Center (AzPHTC) is part of the Western Region Public Health Training Center (WRPHTC), a consortium of training centers that is funded by Health and Human Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The consortium consists of Arizona, Nevada, California, Hawaii and US Affiliated Pacific Islands.

Our mission is to assess, develop and deliver responsive competency-based training to current and future public health professionals, community leaders and community partners in Arizona through community engagement, education and training activities that strengthen the public health infrastructure.

We fulfill this mission by specifically collaborating with the public health workforce that provides services in rural/frontier areas, to members of Native American Tribes, to communities along the US-Mexico border, and to underserved populations in Arizona’s major metropolitan areas. This is where health disparities are greatest and training opportunities are least available. The center serves Arizona’s 15 counties and 22 federally recognized Native American tribes in the state.

Services We Provide

  1. Establish user groups for each performance site in AZTRAIN, a learning management system to provide online continuing education programs
  2. Customization and implementation of the online competency and training needs assessment using Qualtrics
  3. Tailored, competency-based training development and dissemination (online, in-person, webinar)
  4. Marketing and promoting trainings and other activities to public health workforce within State and local public health departments, critical care hospitals, and federally qualified health centers
  5. Developing outreach materials for diverse communities
  6. Collaborative development and implementation of case-based learning modules in Decision Simulation
  7. Placement of graduate MPH students for identified internship projects 
AzPHTC logo


"Building Community Leaders" is designed to get people comfortable advocating for change in various settings and to empower community members to make healthy changes in their communities. Adapted from the Parent Ambassador Training Program, a program of the Maricopa County Department of Public Health, this revamped training was originally designed to train parents in school districts on the West side of Maricopa County on the basic principles of public health and how they can create needed change in their local school districts.

Learn techniques and methods to convey information, and increase productivity with our Quality Improvement Series.

Twelve training modules introduce concepts and techniques on finding the best use of resources